Saturday, December 4, 2010
hip to be square
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I can't think of a clever title
Friday, November 26, 2010
my power weakens due to lack of yellow sun
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Dyson FTW
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I take my music way too seriously
1) Hello Nasty - Beastie Boys - the first album I ever bought, loved Intergalactic, still do -- I mean they namedrop Spock. Word.
2) Synkronized - Jamiroquai - one of the first albums I ever listened to all the way through, and he's an avid car collector, amazing dancer, and it just makes me wanna shake my ass, as it were.
3) Siamese Dream - The Smashing Pumpkins - I love Billy Corgan, he is such a dictator in his bands, I identify with his control freak tendencies. But that's not why I love this album, there are some really beautiful songs on there and some horribly sad ones, it got me through the first few years of high school and appealed to my inner goth (we all have one so shut up).
4) Lateralus - Tool - my initiation into probably the most influential and important band in my life, as y'all know from one of my previous posts. I don't think I need to say anything else.
5) De-Loused in the Comatorium - The Mars Volta - their first album. Niall played this for me the first time he ever came over to my house. The name had been bouncing around in my head for a long time before I listened to it. I loved it almost instantly. The first song that got stuck in my head was Eriatarka, and it still harkens back to that time. I can smell the snow in the air when I listen to it. But Cedric had me at the opening line of the first song "Clip side of the pink-eye flight/I'm not the percent you think survives/ I need sanctuary in the pages of this book"
6) Relationship of Command - At The Drive In - I didn't get into this album until fairly recently - my relationship with ATDI was almost contingent on my breakup, I started seriously considering their work near the end, and it sort of snowballed from there. Originally I was listening to This Station is Non Operational which is a compilation of their stuff. But Relationship of Command is where I really started appreciating Omar's musicianship. He says he hates the way the album is mixed but I just don't care. It's a seminal work. Anton Corbijn directed the video for Invalid Litter Dept. which is the inspiration for the name of my non existent second blog (registered, never used). One Armed Scissor - the third song and most commercially successful ATDI single is what this blog is named after - "self destruct sequence/ this station is non operational/ species growing/ bubbles in an iv loitering".
7) 808's and Heartbreak - Kanye West - I started listening to this almost as soon as it came out - and it's not necessarily the album itself that's important, but the surrounding occurrences. September 2008 was a schism in my life, and the first single was out and for some reason I started listening to Kanye. Also I had seen him on some sort of awards show and noticed him for the first time in my life. I always thought he had a weird name, one that I liked saying but now I realized that he was good looking, but more importantly, damn he dressed well. In a way I suppose I actively sought him out. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that I liked listening to the album the whole way through. Then for some reason I went to his blog which I found hilarious, but it led me to something even better. 'Ye links to a lot of interesting things, one of which is highsnobiety, which led me to selectism, which in turn led me to Tony. So there are all sorts of amazing associations surrounding this album.
8) Amnesiac - Radiohead - it took me forever to get into Radiohead, or I should say it took me forever to finally listen to Radiohead, and the first song I ever really heard was I Might Be Wrong. Tracy (mom's friend's girlfriend's kid) downloaded it onto my laptop and then dragged me to their concert in Montreal. Radiohead is like that old comfortable sweater that you love and will never ever get rid of. And I mean that in the best way. I feel like there's nothing I can say about them because they're that good. Almost everyone accepts it. For good reason.
9) Raindogs - Tom Waits. Just watch Down by Law.
10) Return to Cookie Mountain - Tv on the Radio - Tunde Adebimpe, seriously, I love his voice. They're just ridiculous fun and have meaningful lyrics. I can dance to this album which is new-ish for me and I've found myself listening to them a lot in the past year or so.
11) Latin - Holy Fuck - I discovered this band thanks to Karis, we were in NYC because I bought tickets to go see Omar and the next day Karis dragged me to this show. I say dragged because I was being a sulky child. But I am so very happy that she did because the headliner was Holy Fuck (she wanted to see Indian Jewelry). There was some sort of instant chemical connect-- like love at first sight. I downloaded their albums as soon as I got home and dragged a friend to come see them in concert (again) immediately thereafter. They're from Toronto, lucky me! This album is currently in heavy rotation.
12) Xenophanes - Omar Rodriguez Lopez - everyone who knows me knows the name Omar, I don't even have to say the full name anymore, they just know. You've already seen his name in this post. He is half of the Mars Volta. He is a musical prodigy. A genius. This album is sung entirely in Spanish and the vocals are by Omar and his girlfriend Ximena Sarinana. It feels like a product of their love. That's the only way I can describe it. When looking in my iTunes top 25 played songs, the first five songs are all off this album. I will never get over it.
13) Medulla - Bjork - it is a vocal soundscape. The use of instruments is kept to a minimum. Guest stars include Rahzel and Mike Patton. It is at once incredibly simple and very complex. I think everybody should listen to this album at least once.
14) Station - Russian Circles - in the past few years I've been getting more and more into exclusively instrumental music. Russian Circles is a band I ran across on the SargentHouse website. I like to call my foray into this band a type of musical nepotism. Because in truth Omar belongs to that label. That's besides the point - these guys own. Seriously. I saw them at Sneaky Dee's when I was still living in Little Italy - I went alone, I stood beside the drummer during the entire opening act and didn't know it. It was hands down the best $12 I've ever spent on a semi random show. They shook my world and continue to do so on a daily basis, Harper Lewis is one of my favourite songs on this album and it is a sonic assault on my ears. But don't just take my word for it. GO!
15) Amputechture - The Mars Volta - the one Mars Volta album that I didn't listen to immediately when it came out. In fact I didn't listen to it until after The Bedlam in Goliath. I don't know why - I was afraid maybe. I have one word for all of you: Tetragrammaton.
So yes, that's it - it took forever. Hope it makes sense.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Stay Lit
Monday, September 13, 2010
when I am king!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
not so linear after all
Monday, August 16, 2010
an ancient shrewdness in the vein
Saturday, July 24, 2010
well, that was unexpected
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
the literary version of a grunt
So hard
Does this have to be so hard?
To have had
So much
To lose
To be given something that’ so easily
Taken away
The visceral draw
The perennial kiss
Or so you think
Until one decides
It’s not enough
They don’t want to try anymore
You’re not enough
It’s too hard
It hurts
It’s easier to leave
But not really
When they leave
You dissipate, even though it was your idea.
So you give up, because it‘s too hard. It’s too hard to try to find the yang to your ying.
Because your ying was never there
Not like the novels that tell you, that perfect one
The one who sees into your soul
And doesn’t mind that it’s a dragging on progressive psychedelic song
One that drags on forever – with twists and turns, complications, conflicts, fallacies
They lie, they just want your passion, without matching it
Without ever thinking that perhaps this is the hardest thing you’ve ever done
Because you know the world, know its internal logic
Know that everything will work out
Except for this
And then you think
Perhaps I’m not destined for this, despite the fact that you don’t believe in destiny
Destiny is bullshit.
All that matters is the math, the equation that tells you – death is inevitable
Is it worth it? To search for that one? The one who is on the frequency you occupy?
Does this exist?
For some lucky ones.
Not you, though. Not you.
So you go to bed, and think about the only figments that haven’t disappointed.
They’re so far off, and it’s more comfortable that way.
Because if they fail….what will you do?
Haven’t gotten that far yet.
And then you think of the one who told you that the reason you want to be fluid is because you feel you can't have limits.
That happens to those without family. Without home.
How different it could all be, with such a small cartel of variables. The math – if only it would add up to your favour. But it never does…does it? Something always stands in the way. Then you wonder – is it yourself that stands in your own way?
What now?
You take it like a man, on the chin. No reaction. Pretend it’s fine. Find your armor.
Sow the screaming eagle patch onto your jacket. Steel yourself. Fasten your bindings, fix your helmet, fortify your scabs and scars. Think about the release. Race down the mountain.
Update your software. Upgrade the hardware. Fix your stock. Keep going. Don't look back ,just...keep going. Like clockwork.
It can be a lonely existence, being human. Laugh, cynically.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
list of crap I want
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
this is not -blank- -blank- dot com
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
how far you've removed yourself from the human condition
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
the irony of hate, join me
Gust : Excuse me what the FUCK!
Cravely: What?
Gust: What the fuck are you talking about?
Cravely: Claire George said you were coming in here to apologize.
Gust: I'm supposed to come in here so you could apologize.
Cravely: According to whom?
Gust: Claire George.
Cravely: You told me to go fuck myself, I'm supposed to apologize to you?!
Gust: Also water goes over a dam and under a bridge you poncey schoolboy.
Cravely: Clearly there's been a miscommunication between Claire George and somebody.
(maintenance man fixing the window pokes his head in)
Maintenance Man: Excuse me, does this look alright? (points at glass window seperating Cravely's office from the rest of the floor)
Cravely: Yah.
Maintenanace man: I could sand it down a little?
Gust: I've got no fuckin' idea who this guy is.
Cravely: HE is HERE to fix the glass you broke the last time you were here. (to Mainenance man) Could you just excuse us for a second? (shuts door)
You tell me to go fuck myself and I'm supposed to apologize? You break my window, *I'm* supposed to apologize?
Gust: The Helsinki job was mine!
Cravely: The Helsinki job was NOT yours if it WAS yours you'd be in Helsinki.
Gust: Alan Wolfe stood in this office....
Cravely: Alan Wolfe is no longer
Gust: It was ON THE BOOKS
Cravely: Alan Wolfe is no longer the director of European Operations he does not make those appointments, I do.
Gust: Promises were MADE.
Cravely: Not by me.
Gust: I've been with the company for TWENTY FOUR years, I was posted in Greece for FIFTEEN - Papa Andreiou WINS that election if I don't have the JUNTA take him prisoner. I've advised and armed the Hellenic army! I've NEUTRALIZED CHAMPIONS OF COMMUNISM. I'VE SPENT THE PAST THREE YEARS LEARNING FINNISH! WHICH WILL COME IN HANDY HERE IN *VIRGINIA* AND I'M NEVER EVER SICK AT SEA. SO I WANNA KNOW WHY I'M NOT GONNA BE YOUR HELSINKI STATION CHIEF!
Cravely: You're coarse.
Gust: Excuse ME?
Cravely: For Helsinki I need someone with diplomatic don't have them.
Gust: Is that right?
Cravely: That is right and I don't know why the hell I didn't fire you when YOU BROKE MY FUCKING WINDOW.
Gust: Oh yes sure you do, Cravely...
Cravely: Look Gust....
Gust: Yeah you're fuckin' Roger's fiance and you know I know....
Cravely: I'm not...I'm not....I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response.
Gust: Yeah yeah, you're dignifying her in the ass at the Jefferson Hotel room 1210....but let me ask you...the 3000 agents Turner fired was that because they lacked diplomatic skills as well?
Cravely: You're referring to Admiral Stansfield Turner?
Gust: Yeah the 3000 agents each and every one of them first or second generation Americans, is that because they lacked the proper diplomatic skills or did Turner not think it was a good idea to have spies who could speak the same language as the people they're fucking spyin' on?
Cravely : Well I'm sorry but you can hardly blame the director for QUESTIONING THE LOYALTY to America of people who are just barely Americans in the first place.
Gust: Yeah. Well I'd like to take a moment to review the several ways in which you're a douchebag.
Gust: Yes Sir (salutes)
Cravely: Before I end your career asshole.
Gust: Yes Sir (mockingly)
(Gust opens the door to leave and bumps into Maintenance Man)
Gust: Yeah my friend I'm gonna need you for a second (grabs hammer from Maintenance Man and smashes the newly repaired window in Cravely's office)
Cravely: GOD DAMNIT!
Gust: My loyalty! For twenty four years people have been trying to kill me! People who know how. Now do you think that’s because my dad was a Greek soda pop maker? Or do you think that's because I'm an American spy?Go fuck yourself, you fucking child! (Exuent)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
have we met?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
I'll go my own way
The situation is just.....I'm tired of explaining it to people because it's such a long story, and it's really sad, and ridiculous at the same time, from a "can't we do anything about this" standpoint.
It seems cruel to move on from that to Massive Attack, but, at this point both of Linda's children (her son Skye is one of my besties) don't want to think about the situation. Anyway so - we were both in various stages of grump-dom. The weather in Toronto has been kind of shit lately, it was nice in the morning. Jacket weather however turned into violent rain, thunder and lightning. We took the streetcar down to around Cherry St. and then got a cab to the Sound Academy which is on the water. Nobody likes this venue because of how awkward it is to get there, if you don't drive you have to walk, or take a cab, it's completely out of the way. Our cabbie Bruce gave us his card so we could call him after the show because it was going to be a clusterfuck to get out of, cab-wise. We got in at around 9ish and got drinks. Some girl was on stage. Tight shiny tights and white shirt, weird glasses, we were like "wtf?". So we went closer and both looked at each other funny - she was kind of a hybrid of scenester and a throwback to the 80's. So we hung around and watched her - she was really spunky and energetic. I think what won me over was that she looked like she was having fun singing her songs and doing her thing, and no matter whether people were dancing or not she was optimistic. The other cool thing was that she was on the stage alone. She had all sorts of synthesizers and junk, probably some sort of MOOG and other stuff which I can't name. (a quick check of her blog shows she uses macbooks and gadgets like an OB-8, I wouldn't be surprised if she had a Buchla too)
She played piano too, well keyboard. We were totally into it by the end of her set. I ended up buying one of her supercool shirts and her EP. Oh yeah, her name is Amanda Warner (which I had to google) and her band name is MNDR. She was really sweet and signed the shirt for me, I'm wearing it right now.
here's a link to her myspace, it's the only place that actually has decent fidelity, (bad youtube, bad!):
I Go Away and Fade to Black (which is her song for Black Flag I think she said yesterday) are awesome to start with.
The next opener after that was Martina Topley Bird. Let me just say - I wasn't super into her set, but fuck, she is absolutely gorgeous, like - "I couldn't take my eyes off her" gorgeous. She was also wearing an awesome sequinned dress (purple) with a hood and big shoulders. Her voice was awesome but her music just wasn't my cup of tea. It was also her birthday. I'm not sure how exactly to describe her music - it's kind of, well it reminded me of a British version of Andrew Bird, except he's waaaaaay cooler to me, with his hilarious lyrics (crazy, they have the same last name, and both basically appear on stage alone and create a wall of sound by/with looping/pedals). She was a little more jazzy - it's kind of what I imagine 40 year olds listen to. I don't know what that means, whatever (TG excepted). Anyhow after she was done we waited almost a whole hour for Massive Attack to come onstage.
And that's where the weirdness began. Don't get me wrong, the concert was amazing. Robert Del Naja is well as talented, very good looking. The backdrop was great, interesting light show, lots of scrolling text - mostly political stuff, Howard Zinn quotes, etc. Each song had some sort of corresponding graphic displayed on the (I'm having a hard time describing it) ...light board? Maybe I can find a picture.

Monday, May 3, 2010
So I already have a stack that I haven't read yet. It goes like this:
American Tabloid - James Ellroy
East of Eden - Steinbeck
Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole (TG don't be mad I'm not done yet)
Foundation -Asimov
on top of that there are a bunch of magazines I haven't finished, like the Arts & Letters and Religion issues of Lapham's Quarterly (I've read some, not all, and I love reading ALL)
Then there's the new issue of Monocle that I picked up, and then there's the books I really really really want. Like NOW.
Those are:
Solar by Ian McKewan -a novel about an over the hill nobel physicist (to satisfy my physics fetish)
Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead - a new biography by Paula Byrne - because I loved Brideshead Revisited and think Waugh was extraordinary, that book got me through swine flu
The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano - I saw it in an ad on the subway, and I'm not gonna lie, the author looked really hot, also - prime numbers and being an isolated person (from the writeup on the ad) - sounds like good reading.
So that's everything I want to read or finish reading and then there's my school reading list:
The Novel (with Mike) list:
Robinson Crusoe (read it already)
Foe by J.M Coetzee
Tristram Shandy
Moby-Dick (read it already)
Emma - Jane Austen (read it already)
Little Casino - Gilbert Sorrentino
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Great Expectations - Kathy Acker
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Joyce
At Swim Two Birds - Flann O'Brien
Mrs.Dalloway (read it already)
The End of the Story - Lydia Davis
My other course, 20th Century American Lit list:
Paul's Case - Willa Cather
Souls Belated- Edith Wharton
The Beast in the Jungle - Henry James
The Awakening - Kate Chopin (read it already)
Mrs. Spring Fragrance - Sui Sin Far
selections from Up from Slavery - Booker T. Washington
selections from The Souls of Black Folk - W.E.B. Du Bois
Quicksand - Nella Larsen
The Wasteland/The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - T.S. Eliot (read it already)
Hills Like White Elephants - Ernest Hemingway
Babylon Revisited - F. Scott Fitzgerald
A TONNE of Robert Frost stuff
A TONNE of William Carlos Williams (who I love, feverishly and a lot of whom I've read, thanks to the aforementioned Mike)
A Rose for Emily - William Faulkner
Good Country People - Flannery O'Connor
Petrified Man - Eudora Welty
Going to Meet the Man - James Baldwin
A Streetcar Named Desire - Tennessee Williams
Howl - Allen Ginsberg (already read, love)
selected poems of Sylvia Plath, Frank O'Hara, and Pat Parker
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - Edward Albee
The Lady from Lucknow - Bharati Mukherjee
A Coyote Colombus Story - Thomas King
Cathedral - Raymond Carver
and finally People Like That Are the Only People Here: Canonical Babbling in Peed Onk - Lorrie Moore
plus there will be a bunch of screenings
I so look forward to all of it - but how am I going to get all of my personal reading done? Oh the quagmire.