Saturday, July 24, 2010

well, that was unexpected

All of the interesting stuff in Toronto seems to happen in an Italian neighbourhood retrofitted as the new club land du jour. At 4am.

It was supposed to be a quiet night in - no concrete plans to speak of. Hoped to head to bed early-ish, do a bit of work in the Wasteland. But I'm here. Isn't it fun when a gaggle of people you've never met in your life...following a pied piper, show up at your house un-announced? I know I can handle my own, but I also know when I'm outnumbered. I suppose my face showed the right amount of chagrin for them to realize they should not invite themselves inside. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset. It was just weird.

I'm somewhat easily put out of my comfort zone - it's easier to keep people at a remove. Like Jenn says on the IT Crowd: "I can't let you into my apartment, that's my special place!" Only worthy people may enter. It gets better though. The parties decide to branch off, go get pizza and come back. In the hubbub of all that it's decided that half will go to a house party and I take on the responsibility of walking a friend to a part of the neighbourhood where someone is waiting for him. I'm on my street now, so close to home and a man is motioning at me from a car - I take my headphones off. (Can't he see that I'm deeply contemplative of the material at hand?!) He asks me if I know where there's an after hours pub. I tell him I don't, he tries to engage me otherwise, I give limited answers and make off like I need to leave. He doesn't get it and I'm getting somewhat annoyed now but try to stay polite. He parks the car and gets out - accuses me of being a lesbian (because I have short hair?) and then says I don't want to give him my phone number because he's black.
I tell him trying to guilt me isn't going to work, he can't play that card. I leave.
What the hell?
SERIOUSLY? Where did you learn this approach, person I have never met in my entire life who's trying to pick me up on a side street at 4 in the morning? Do you really think I'm going to tell you anything?


Gillian said...

What an asshole. That guy was a predator!

Rella said...

Predator makes me think of bad alien movies, he seemed innocuous at first, but then he got all pushy! Wtf man.