Thursday, December 25, 2008

your pneumonic tongue

Ah Christmas.  It wasn't nearly as miserable as I kept imagining it would be.  I've spent it listening to TMV.  I have this harebrained idea to write them a letter begging them to let me join them on tour for a year or so.  
Some things that have been swirling around in my head:

-write the snail mail to TMV
-start my interpretation book
-find and in-shower mp3 player

also I've been somewhat morbidly obsessed with the idea of finding out the intimate details behind the attraction of N and his new B.  I want to know the differences - the likes and dislikes, the fascination with a new creature - what's different.  I think it sparked with me finding a picture of Cedric with his inguinal ligament exposed.  It is my favorite part of the human body, especially on males.  When exposed it gets me all bothered.  I wonder if there's that kind of appreciation there.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

iterations of devotions

Sitting on the couch with a glass of white held in both hands - rotating and rocking - creating a difficult to describe motion and feeling with the ensconced liquid.
Wondering why things turn out the way they do. The clock ticking out the lateness of the not quite night, not morning. Grateful for the one who unknowingly defends the unseeming. Thinking about the misconstrued lewd seduction. You see catastrophe - but it's the lasting affliction. The consciousness of that which is alike - spiraling into one.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Every now and again when walking home at night I'm gripped by a sudden urge to drop everything and just lie down on the pavement.  Mostly it's because I am tired - physically and emotionally - at the end of an exhausting day.  It is not exactly a hopelessness.  It feels more like an expletive to the world, to just lay down and give up for the time being.  A sort of dis-engagement from the daily grind, from being human, but mostly from myself and my thoughts.
Were I to try this however I would probably feel incredibly self conscious or strange, get back up and go home.

Friday, December 12, 2008

this apparatus must be unearthed

Not sure why I held off listening to this for so long.  I think I was afraid of disappointment and I was not paying attention to releases that were coming out.  I had stopped listening to music almost entirely for a while.  I had stopped carrying my Ipod.  I was exhausted.  And I can't even pinpoint why.  I finally listened to a whole song and my reaction was positive, I knew I wouldn't be let down.  Even though this album came out almost three years ago (how could I have waited that long?) it feels new.  
I suppose it's good because now it gives me something new to listen to until the next one comes out - as if that could be fast enough.  Sometimes this is the only thing I have to live for - that eerie but gorgeous high feeling you get when a piece of music hits you in those familiar places that have no tangible name.  The way they capture and explain exactly who you are and how you feel and what you want and need.  To explain.  I don't mean that in a "boo hoo I have nothing to live for but my emo music" way. I just think that if I can experience more intensity because of this group of people who blend music and words so vividly, that gives me more to look forward to in life.
That constant sweetly agonizing anticipation.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

procrastination squared

S and I have this conversation several times a year.  Usually right before we have major essays due - but this time it's for the same class.  The big P word.  We both put it off for as long as we can and then want to smack ourselves over the head for it.  Always thinking "this is the last time I wait so long".  We never learn, and then we're invariably stuck the night before an eight page essay is due, sitting in front of bright screens facing a blank page.  It's the worst feeling.  
He's better at it than I am.  He can pull an A out of his a** without so much as a blink - to be that gifted would be great. 
Hm - look at what I'm doing now, when I should be doing my primary document analysis. 
The self knowing smile sits smugly on my face.