Thursday, July 9, 2009

today was just...

An absolute clusterfuck. Got there late, time sped up, orders were flying, everything was in a disarray. Several orders came in wrong or went out wrong, all of them because people ordered wrong *of course* because they don't bother to ask questions, or if they do, they ask stupid ones. Several scalds and cuts later I lost my shit on a container that just wouldn't close. Stood there beside Albert and just launched a stream of expletives from my mouth, something like "fucking dick fuck, fucking fuck fuck fucking FUCK". And he replies with the standard "you've got a dirty mouth Bar, I like it!" Which, you know, makes me feel a bit better. One of these days, I swear to god I'm going to lose it on a fat woman who wants something else that makes me walk into the back. "Why didn't you ask for that when I went to RETRIEVE your order you FAT FUCKING COW?".
Sigh. That would feel amazing.
The worst thing is when I'm off for some reason and I make a mistake myself. Then I just feel even worse because I know Calvin's ticked and I beat myself up about it. Thankfully today was not that day. I spent the remainder of my time considering what self destructive activity I could take part in when I got home, but I don't really have any vices. I think I'm going to go do some work on my vintage bike. Yeah, that'll make me feel better.

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