Sunday, July 5, 2009

what a great night

I'm still drunk.....well somewhat tipsy. Somehow I changed Karis's name in my phone to Whiskeytits after she spilled whiskey down her shirt into her ample bosom. Neil was really into this in an evil cackling type of way. We watched season four of the Simpsons and basically ranted and raved for half the night and got out Settlers of Catan and never actually played it! Then we decided that we should go to the disgusting lame local bar which used to be called "Westside Joey's" where my 21 year old boyfriend used to take me when I was 16. Classy. I had to spend an hour dissuading them from this and then we went to Mac's for more fags. They didn't have Gauloises!
Karis was amazing.....the shit that kept coming out of her mouth...

"your mom is so much cooler than my parents cos she knows what's important, my parents would ask if I wanted a foot rub or to rent a movie, but your mom knows that what I *really* need right now is alcohol!"

on men :
"don't be sad Barb, just become famous and then you can just throw them around like anything"

and the pigeon one, where we were waiting for Neil and she was watching a pigeon trying to eat a cookie that was too large.....and it was struggling so much that eventually it basically kicked the cookie into its own mouth, and Karis says "man, imagine how sad it would be if you were an animal that had to KICK food into its own mouth" at this point I dissolved into shits and giggles and started imitating the pigeon.

I have *no* shame and no compunctions about making an ass out of myself in public for my friends.
Also...I am ravenous. Adieu.

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