Saturday, November 7, 2009

a vivid dissection that mocked the strut of vivisection

Things, things to write about....little things, big things. Stories about my life. Etc. Stories about other people's lives, about my imaginings of other people's lives. Stories about stories. Stories about sleep. Happiness. Why?
The doctor tells me not to drink caffeine. But it's the only thing that keeps me awake. I stay in bed all day. Don't want to go to school; get up for work. Should consider school a type of work, but it never works (hah). Never read when there's time, always find the best things when busy. Never realize how great the moments are until they are memories. Rhythms set off. Ideas running away with the birds, coming back with them the next season.
Feeling akin to people, finding people sympathetic. Means, means not to an end but to more ideas, more writing. Time. Never enough. Never enough time at the right time. How many seconds per second? Irritation. Just not enough of too much.
Distraction. Loss of direction. Split second decision resulting in the thrashings around of wakefulness.

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